
Who can use LodgeSeek to register a property?
At LodgeSeek.com, we welcome all types of accommodation providers, including hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, resorts, hostels , apartments , apart-hotels , villas , vacation rentals , rural houses cottages bungalows cabins campings or self – catering accommodations.
How can I register my property with LodgeSeek.com?

Is it possible to register my home in more than one category?
The property cannot be registered in more than one category because it will appear twice on the city/town/village listing where the property is located.

Can I register my property in more than one location?
(for Premium and VIP members only) The property can be registered in multiple locations.

How much does it cost to register my property with LodgeSeek.com?
LodgeSeek.com offers three membership types:

  • BASIC membership – USD $50.00 (~ GBP £31 .00) / per year;
  • PREMIUM membership – USD $100.00 (~ GBP £63 .00) / per year;
  • VIP LIFETIME membership – USD $250.00 (~ GBP £156 .00).

How can I make the payment?
The registration fee can be payed:

  • online, through 2checkout.com or Paypal;
  • via bank transfer.

Are there any discounts, if I wish to register more than one property?
Please contact us if you wish to register multiple homes.

Are there any hidden fees?
No, there are not any hidden fees.

When will my property become visible online?
Your property will be listed within 3 (three) business days from the date of payment.

At LodgeSeek.com, we understand that planning a trip can be difficult and time-consuming. That’s why we offer a convenient online reservation system that allows you to book your stay with just a few clicks. With our easy-to-use booking system, you can search for lodges by location, date, and availability – so you’re sure to find the perfect place to stay for your next vacation or getaway.